Andy Milich
I grew up in Chicago as a devout catholic and became a believer in high school while attending Willow Creek Community Church. Having been in ministry for over 20 years in many different positions, I can truly say God has called me to this. I have a B.A. in Liberal Arts with an emphasis on Psychology, and Ministry from Trinity International University in Deerfield, Illinois. After graduation I attended Trinity Evangelical Divinity Seminary while pursuing an M.A. in Christian Education. While at school I met my wife Elisabeth who is incredibly beautiful. It was easy for her to convince me to move to Arizona where she is from. After years of full-time ministry I decided to enter the marketplace and became the Vice President of Operations for a technology company headquartered in Arizona. I felt the call back into full-time ministry. I have been an elder and volunteer at Oasis ever since. We love this place. I have been married for over 25 years and have 3 kids and 1 son-in-law. In my free-time, I am an avid hunter and enjoy fishing. I played baseball in college and have a deep love for the Chicago Cubs. If you want to hang out for lunch nothing beats a good hot dog or Vienna beef.